Monday, March 26, 2012

Officially an ADULT!

Friday was my birthday. The big 2-1! I've been planning my birthday for 2 months now. I named it Ju's-Birthday-Palooza-Bash. It consisted of The Hunger Games (fabulous movie), In-N-Out (Best place to eat), Seeing my mother, carlie, and jayla (most wonderful family I could ever ask for), festival of colors (very interesting but yet very fun experience), and spending a weekend with my favorite people. It was literally the best birthday I have ever had.
I'm not one to go crazy for birthdays. I could usually care less about my birthday, and anyone else's. It's just not a huge thing to me. But 21st birthdays mean a lot to me for some reason. I think it's because it is adulthood! It is 21 years of living. There is so much that happens in that short amount of time. I am finally figuring out where I belong and what I want to do with my life. It is a milestone and a beginning to a wonderful life of independence and stress. It's the beginning to the rest of my life! I'm so excited for this next year. This time next year I will be getting ready to graduate from college. Time flies. And I absolutely can't wait!!

It was so so so fun seeing so many people this weekend. The people in my life are the reason I am who I am. I am so grateful I was able to spend my birthday with them!

1 comment:

  1. pissed i missed this. one day i will go.

    p.s. i tagged you in some dumb blog shiz. do it.
